Laborers Local 79
Construction and General Building Laborers’ Local 79, which serves the five boroughs of New York City, was created in 1996 through the consolidation of ten smaller Laborers’ Locals. Local 79 currently has over 10,000 active and retired members and is the largest construction laborers’ local union in the United States. Local 79’s scope of work includes:
- Mason Tending
- Interior & Total Demolition
- General Conditions
- Plasterer Tending
- Mortar Mixing (For Bricklayers)
- Fire Watch
- Fireproofing
- Fireproofing Mixing
- Scaffolding (Hanging & Pipe)
- Restoration Work
- Temporary Heat
- Flagging
- Punchlist
Local 79 is a member of the Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA).
Laborers’ International Union of North America (LiUNA)
LIUNA—the Laborers’ International Union of North America—is the most progressive, aggressive and fast-growing union of construction workers, and one of the most diverse and effective unions representing public service employees. A half-million strong, LiUNA is united through collective bargaining agreements which help workers earn family-supporting pay, good benefits and the opportunity for advancement and better lives.
Laborers’ Eastern Region Organizing Fund (LEROF)
LEROF, formed in 1997, is LiUNA’s first regional organizing fund. The LEROF team is dedicated to helping workers form and join LIUNA locals and is committed to the protection and advancement of workers’ rights. LEROF has engaged in some of the nation’s most successful union organizing campaigns. LIUNA’s strength lies in its idea that unions work—both for employees and employers.
Mason Tenders’ District Council
The Mason Tenders’ District Council of Greater New York and Long Island has emerged as one of the most progressive and aggressive labor organizations in the nation. The nearly 15,000 members of the Mason Tenders’ District Council include construction workers, asbestos and hazardous materials handlers, Catholic High School teachers, and recycling and waste handlers.

Mason Tenders’ District Council of Greater New York & Long Island Political Action Committee
Construction and development are among the most regulated and complex industries in our city. The Mason Tenders’ District Council of Greater New York & Long Island Political Action Committee (MTDCPAC) serves to represent the concerns of the members of the Mason Tenders’ District Council’s constituent local unions-including Construction and General Building Laborers’ Local 79-in all levels of the national, state and local government.
Mason Tenders’ Training Fund
Originally established in 1987 under the name of the Mason Tenders’ District Council Asbestos Training Program, the Fund changed its name in 1995 to the Mason Tenders’ Training Fund (MTTF). Governed by a labor/management Board of Trustees and staffed by a highly professional team of instructors and office personnel, today the Fund is the most robust, well-attended, and busiest LIUNA training affiliate in the nation. The MTTF offers over 60 different courses, with most available in English, Spanish, and Polish.
Mason Tenders’ District Council Trust Funds
The Mason Tenders’ District Council Trust Funds administers the health and welfare, pension, and annuity accounts for all eligible Local 79 and Local 78 workers. Local 79 members who have questions regarding the benefits that they are entitled to receive should contact the Funds directly.
Greater New York Laborers-Employers Cooperation and Education Trust (LECET)
LECET is a jointly managed trust fund of the Mason Tenders’ District Council and its 1500 signatory contractors. Its mission is to generate business opportunities for union contractors and job opportunities for LiUNA members.
Local 78
LiUNA Local 78 represents asbestos, lead and hazardous waste handlers in New York City, Long Island and New Jersey. The Local’s 4,000 members are the hard-working employees for nearly 200 signatory environmental contractors, performing 90% of all asbestos removal in the area.
LiUNA Local 78 was organized in 1996 by the Laborers International Union of North America (LIUNA). On its first day, the Local had 1,500 members. Since then, due to aggressive organizing and an active membership, the Local has grown steadily. Local 78 was granted jurisdiction over asbestos and lead abatement in Long Island in 2002 and throughout the state of New Jersey in 2008.
Local 108
Laborers Local Union 108 has historically represented workers in the private waste collection and recycling industry throughout NYC, Long Island, Westchester, Hudson Valley and the Danbury area of CT since 1937. In 2007 parts of Local 734 of LIUNA were merged into Laborers Local Union 108 and today it is a diverse local union representing men and women employed in the scrap metal recycling, light manufacturing, warehouse workers, food service workers and professional employees. Laborers Local Union 108 has the skills and experience to represent workers in any industry.
Local 66
General Building Laborers’ Local 66, established in 1932, serves Nassau and Suffolk Counties in Long Island, New York. With over 1600 members, Local 66’s scope of work includes: Asbestos, abatement, and encapsulation; cleanup and removal of rubbish; complete demolition or alterations; digging and backfilling; general construction; temporary heat; tending of the bricklayers, masons, and stone masons; digging and backfilling; and unloading materials.
New York State Laborers’ Union
The New York State Laborers’ Union represents over 40,000 members employed in the construction industry and other fields throughout the state. Members are organized into more than 36 local unions and 5 district councils. The New York State Laborers’ Union is a proud affiliate of the Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA).
LiUNA-NY is a collaboration of the New York State Laborers’ PAC & the Mason Tenders’ District Council PAC. The LiUNA-NY partnership represents 25,000 people in New York City and 44,000 people in New York State, who work in the booming construction market.
New York State LECET
One of NYS LECET’s main goals is to capture the competitive edge and develop more job opportunities for Laborers, our affiliated contractors and project owners. By working closely with our local unions and district councils as well as with our contractors, NYS LECET has been successful in:
- promoting investment in transportation and infrastructure improvements
- monitoring and fostering compliance with prevailing wage requirements
- publicizing the benefits of unionized construction
We’re Fighting for the Future of New York City Construction