Members can register for classes with the Mason Tenders Training Fund through E-Local. You will find classes under the Training section of the E-Local and at For any questions, call (718) 383-6863.
Shop Steward Refresher Courses and Rise Classes
All certified Shop Stewards must take a four-hour Shop Steward Refresher course every two years. Members have a sixty-day grace period after the expiration of their Shop Steward certificate. If they do not take the course within that sixty-day window, they will have to take the full-day Shop Steward class.
Important: Members must register for the Shop Steward Refresher class by calling 212-465-7972. Members must register for the Rise classes as follows: Rise classes in English, call (646) 670-7020 or 347-658-2826; Rise classes in Spanish, call (212) 465-7972 or (212) 465-7965.
Shop Steward Refresher and Rise (English) classes are taught in Local 79’s classroom at 131 W. 33rd St. – 8th Floor. Click on the link below for a schedule of the times and dates of upcoming classes.
Fire Department Certificates of Fitness
Fire Department Certificates of Fitness are obtained through the New York City Fire Department after passing an examination. The two most frequently requested Certificates of Fitness by employers of Local 79 members are the S-92 and S-93, followed by the G-60 and then the F-60.
S-92: Supervision of Portable Fueled Space Heaters at Construction Sites (replaces G-94 elements of G-95 and S-93 as they apply to temporary heat)
S-93: Supervising Temporary Storage and Dispensing Flammable or Combustible Liquids in Portable Containers (replaces W-14 and P-15)
G-60: Torch Use of Flammable Gases for Hotwork Operations (replaces G-95)
F-60: Fire Guard for Construction Site and Torch Operations (replaces old F-93)
The Mason Tenders Training Fund offers classes to prepare Local 79 members for the examinations for each of the above Certificates of Fitness. Members can also prepare on their own, using online study guides. Note, however, that you must take a letter of recommendation with you as part of the documentation that you need to present before taking any of the exams. If you complete a course at the Training Fund, a letter will automatically be generated for you. If you prepare on your own, you must get a letter, on company letterhead, from the company for which you work. For more information about the letter you need to present, click here.
For general information about how to obtain Fire Department Certificates of Fitness, download study guides, make online appointments for Certificate of Fitness exams, and find out about documentation that you need to bring for the exams, click here. For information about how to renew Fire Department Certificates of Fitness, click here.