Unfortunately, under the requirements of the Governor’s Executive Order, it would seem that the Training Fund is obligated to comply with the 100% staff reduction mandate in the Order, effectively closing the Long Island City facility.

In an effort to assist our participants in receiving training in “Infectious Diseases” we’re happy to direct you to a new LIUNA Training online course by going to: www.liunatraining.org/infectiousdisease

· Click on the link above
· Click on the highlighted sentence at the bottom of the paragraph
· Click on the Construction Craft Laborer icon
· Choose a language and click launch
· Register as a new user
· Take the class

As our country struggles to understand how to approach the rapidly changing events surrounding the coronavirus outbreak, we at your Training Fund are grappling with the issue of how to provide the training that our members need, and doing it as soon as possible, while trying our level best to ensure the safety of both our students and our staff.

We are actively seeking alternative means of providing classes by using distance learning technologies. It is the intention of our Training Fund to offer classes using these other means of training in the immediate future.

For more information, contact the Training Fund at (718) 383-6863